Lose that Flab! L-Carnitine's primary role is to help support fatty acids into energy producing units in the cells where FAT can be converted into ENERGY. This is a major source of energy for the muscles, including those of the heart. As such, L-Carnitine increases the use of fat as an energy source, therefore giving you not just the stamina, but that shapely and attractive body you've been craving for. L-carnitine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body. It helps the body produce energy and is also important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many other body processes. Green tea extract is used to improve mental alertness and thinking. It is also used for weight loss because it is said to help decrease high levels of fat, like cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. 

LUXXE PROTECT GRAPESEED extract is a concentrated, natural plant material filled with anti-oxidants known as Oligomeric Pro-anthocyanidins. The nutrients found in grape seed extract provide your body with an abundant source of vegetable protein, Lipids and Polyphenols. The Polyphenols are a kind of bioflavanoid with a reputation as a potent anti-oxidant. These Polyphenols are 50 times more powerful than vitamin C and 20 times than vitamin E.

Another benefit of taking LUXXE PROTECT grape seed extract is its ability to fight cancer. Laboratory studies regarding the use of grape seed extracts to fight or prevent cancer are also looking into benefits of taking grape seed extract to fight breast, stomach, colon, prostate and lung cancers.


LUXXE WHITE GLUTATHIONE is an ENHANCED type of glutathione that acts like an accelerator, which can help the body naturally produce its own glutathione. Enhanced glutathione is clinically proven to be absorbed by the body compared to regular glutathione brands. As such, Luxxe White can give you a more radiant and glowing complexion that you have always dreamed of.

How Luxxe White Enhanced Glutathione Works
Glutathione is a substance produced naturally by the liver. It's also found in fruits, vegetables and meat. It is made of three types of amino acids namely cysteine, glycine and glutamic acids. Glutathione is in a class of molecules called anti-oxidants, whose primary job is to alleviate oxidative stress. Oxidative Stress is a chemical phenomenon that occurs when cells are injured. Cells can be damaged physically, by viruses and bacteria, via toxic exposure and/or normal aging. The result is atoms in the cell lose electrons and need new ones. Anti-oxidants are the electron donors.

Glutathione is often referred to as a MASTER ANTI-OXIDANT. It has been widely heralded for its importance on good health. Taken in increased dose, glutathione will not only improve your over-all well-being but will also produce a remarkable side effect, which is SKIN WHITENING.

8 SUPERFOODS IN 1 MEGA CAPSULE! Of all the so-called super foods - the nutrient-rich foods high in anti-oxidants that are thought to fight the ills of aging - few receive more accolades than the berry family. LUXXE RENEW is a mixture of Acai, Pomegranate, Goji, Mangosteen, Noni, Cranberry, Blackberry and Blueberry. These 8 essential berries contain high amounts of anti-oxidants that may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals from foods that we eat and environmental factors such as pollution, harmful sunlight, smoking and alcohol. This All-In-One ANTI-OXIDANT is packed full of nutrients, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids that may help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. 8 powerful berries now in your hand to RENEW the way you look both inside and out. A reconciliation of youth, energy, and vibe to your life. LUXXE RENEW.